Thursday, February 23, 2012

Book Talk Extensions

Today, Maya gave two book talks that sparked some conversation and interest in more background information. The books she read were Live Free or Die which was a biography of Harriet Tubman and The Boy in the Striped Pajamas which was a story of a young German boy and a Jewish boy who lived in a Nazi prison camp. Below are several links to explore these topics a bit further. I will try to add more as I find them.

The Underground Railroad
The Holocaust
Children of the Holocaust
KidsConnect: The Holocaust

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Tuperware Fundraiser for Mrs. Nanda

I wanted to remind everyone about the fundraiser the elementary school is doing to help Mrs. Nanda and her family pay for medical expenses. We are selling Tuperware, and 40% of the item cost will be donated to Mrs. Nanda's. Anyone can order online; students/parents do not need to handle any money. They just need to spread the word and pass on the website link. The link is posted below. Please take a few minutes to support Mrs. Nanda.