Monday, December 12, 2011

Kaps for Kimberlee

Remember that Tuesday, December 13 is Kaps for Kimberlee day. We are having a fundraiser to support Mrs. Kimberlee Nanda as she continues to recover from her brain surgery this fall. Students may wear a hat at school for a donation of $1.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Happy December!

Below is a copy of the newsletter that was sent home today and December's homework calendar.

I do have updated information about the last day before break. Thursday morning between 9:00 and 10:00, our class will be baking some yummy Greek holiday cookies. (These are the recipes I'm looking at: Greek Butter Cookies, KourambiathesAt 10:00 we will be meeting with Mrs. Crosby's 5th grade class to share some poetry. The elementary school will be traveling to the high school at 1:15 to watch a movie. We will have our winter party at the end of the day (around 3:00 if all goes according to plan). If you would like to help with our baking adventure or our class party, please let me know. We would love to have you.

As I have been doing research for our door decorating, I've come across some fantastic sites about Greece, both ancient and present day. These links have been added to the reading and writing page on this site. Enjoy!

Friday, November 25, 2011

More Exciting Sites to Explore

Science Links
Flabby Physics: Use science to win this game
Denver Zoo: Check out the animals in our own zoo
San Diego Zoo: Learn about all kinds of zoo animals
Math Links
Math Duck: This site has practice games for a variety of math topics
Language Links
Magnetic Poetry: Rearrange "magnets" to create your own sentences and poetry
Art Links
Origami Club: What creations can you make?

Monday, November 7, 2011

Updated HW Calendar

Here is an updated copy of our homework calendar. Sorry for the delay.

Friday, November 4, 2011

4th Grade Study Tools

The activities on EZ School not only reinforce concepts we cover in class, but they will also help students prepare for CSAP.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Math in Focus

I spoke with several parents about our math curriculum during conferences last week. Our program, Math in Focus, follows the Singapore approach to math instruction and puts a huge focus on place value. That focus causes some slight changes in how we teach and learn math at West Grand. Math in Focus offers online resources for students (and parents) to access for support away from school. Students can view an online textbook, student workbook, and virtual manipulatives in their library. The website is linked below and also on the math page. Students will need their username and password. Just shoot me an email, and I will get that information to you. Enjoy!

Happy (almost) November!

Thank you to all the wonderful parents who participated in parent-teacher conferences. It was nice to sit down and talk with you. Our next scheduled parent-teacher conferences will be in the spring, but I am always available to chat before then.

Tomorrow (October 31) will be the day of our Halloween party. The elementary costume parade will begin at 2:45. We will begin changing into costumes around 2:30. Our class party will be after the parade. We will have snacks, an art project, and some games. If you are planning on coming to the costume parade and would like to stay and help with games, please join us. Until 2:30, students will be expected to participate in a regular school day. We still have content to cover before we can have fun.

Below is a copy of November's homework calendar and spelling practice for 2nd quarter. Instead of 5pts for spelling practice, students must complete three assignments in a row, just like tic tac toe. The tic tac toe may be three in a row vertically, horizontally, or diagonally. Since students will not be turning in their tic tac toe board, please remind students to number their assignments with the box number.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Parent Teacher Conferences

It's conference time! Fourth grade conferences will take place on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. (Tuesday is an extra day beyond the scheduled elementary conference nights.) I will be available after school at 4:15. Fall conferences should take about twenty minutes. If you would like more time to talk, we can schedule a conference for another time.
I will be sending home a sign-up sheet on Wednesday. If you have other children's conferences already scheduled and would like a conference on the same night, please let me know. If you are still setting up conferences for your other children, please let me know which class your child is in. I will do my best to coordinate with other teachers.
Please list your top three time/date slots. I will send home another slip of paper with your scheduled time.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Student News

One of our goals in 4th grade is to help students develop a larger world view. One of the tools we use to achieve this goal is Scholastic News. Every other week, our class receives a new edition of the news magazine. As wonderful as Scholastic News is, there are several other news sources appropriate for students. In addition to current event stories, many of these sites offer enrichment and review activities that focus on a wide variety of skills. is a weekly newspaper feature and web site produced at the University of Kansas by a team of teachers and students.
TimeForKids has a little bit of everything. There are news stories that range from world new to sports and entertainment. There is also a section called Kid Reporters where students are the reporters. (Check out this section to learn about Rick Riordan's newest book The Son of Neptune.) There is also a Homework Helper section where students (or parents) can get academic support.
ScholasticNews takes students further into topics brought up in the classroom magazine. Articles are written at appropriate reading level for students. There are also several links for students to explore.

Multiplication & Division

We have completed the first two units in our math curriculum, and on Monday, we will begin our unit on whole number multiplication and division. I strongly encourage students to click on the math page and explore some of the practice sites I have listed under Whole Number Multiplication and Division. Practice and understanding of multiplication and division facts will help students be successful in our daily lessons.

I have also found some fun activities for you and your child to complete at home. Warning: Some of them could get messy!
Digit's Cyber-Dough

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Pajama Day!

As a class, students earn marbles for positive behavior. We have been working very hard this quarter, and our marble jar is filled! Students have chosen to celebrate this accomplishment with a pajama day on Wednesday (tomorrow). Please remind students that we do have PE and recess tomorrow and that they will be expected to participate even in their pajamas.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Sunday, October 2, 2011

October Homework Calendar

It's October already! The first months of school have flown by. We have completed our first field trip, survived our first round of MAPs tests, and (almost) finished our first research project. I think that's a pretty good start to the year.

Please take a moment to look at your child's homework calendar. Just like last month, there is a copy online as well as a paper copy for you at home and a copy for students in their homework folder.

Unlike last month, vocabulary will be checked on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. This allow everyone to receive additional feedback throughout the week as we progress through our word study. On Tuesdays, we will be checking "pg 1" which identifies the prefixes/suffixes for the week as well as their meanings. Usually the practice on this page asks the students to use the prefix/suffix to create words. "Pg 2" or "More Practice with (insert prefix/suffix here)" will be checked and collected on Wednesday. This page asks students to use words in context and create original sentences. We will still have our vocabulary quiz on Thursday. We have two more weeks of studying prefixes before we transition into studying suffixes. The practice pages will be similar.

You will also notice that on October 12, students will have Drops in the Bucket #1 for homework. We have completed the first part of our language Drops and will start math review this month. The format is similar, but we will go through the first page together in class.

Please, please, please make sure your child is reading at home. By the end of the month, students must have read one nonfiction book and take an AR test on it. This should not be the only book they read. If they find a nonfiction topic they really like, challenge them to find a fiction book that includes that topic. (Check out Magic Tree House books by Mary Pope Osborn for examples.) Or embrace nonfiction this month, and encourage your child to read multiple books on the same subject. Have conversations about how different writers present similar information.

Below are several links to book lists and articles for parents on student reading. Enjoy!
Favorite Books for Fourth Graders
Scholastic: Choosing Books for Your Child
Books for Third and Fourth Grade Students
Grand County Library District
            *Our local librarians are fantastic! Stop by and see what books they have to offer.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Fourth grade students have worked so hard this week during their MAPs testing. I am very impressed with the effort I have seen this week. Students have completed their reading, math, and language tests. Make-up tests will be taken on Thursday. I will  have the results to share with you at parent teacher conferences, but if you would like to sit down earlier than that, just let me know.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

National Park Research Project

Now that we have discovered the nearest national park, students will study national parks in other areas of the country. Last week, each fourth grade student was assigned one national park to research. That research begins this week. The majority of research and note-taking will be done at school. However, if students would like to investigate further, I encourage them to do so. I am attaching a copy of our research packet below since students will not be allowed to take their original packet home. One part of research is giving credit for sources that have been used. Students will be expected to cite all books, websites, and encyclopedias used for this project. Below are some links to help cite reference material.

National Park Research Packet
Citing a Book
Citing a Website

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Rocky Mountain National Park Pictures

Field trip pictures are coming soon!

Fact Monster

I just came across a fantastic website that I want to share with you. is an online bank of information. Students could spend hours learning and exploring on this site. I have linked to several pages that connect with content we are covering in class that may offer some enrichment opportunities. Enjoy!

FactMonster: National Parks
FactMonster: Fifty States
FactMonster: Math Flash Cards
FactMonster: Greek and Roman Mythology
FactMonster: Astronomy and Space Exploration
FactMonster: Research Skills

Friday, September 23, 2011

MAP Testing

It's that time of year! Students will be taking MAP tests this coming week on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. These online assessments will cover math, reading, and language usage, just like CSAP.

Most of your students have taken MAP tests before, so this is nothing new. However, there may be information that you don't know about these assessments. Below is a link to the Parent Toolkit produced by Northwest Evaluation Association, the company that produces our MAP assessments.

NWEA Parent Toolkit: A Guide to NWEA Assessments

Friday, September 16, 2011

AR Test- due September 30

Students should be reading an AR book of their choice at home and preparing to take an AR comprehension quiz by the end of the month. Students may take more than one test. I will put the highest score into the gradebook.

Click on the link below to access the AR site and start a quiz!
Accelerated Reader

Thursday, September 15, 2011

We're going on a field trip!

On Thursday, September 22, fourth grade will be traveling to Rocky Mountain National Park to explore the park. We will be meeting with rangers to learn about the park's history and study ecology and the impact humans have on the environment. Permission slips will be coming home on Monday.

We will be gone from school all day, so students will need to bring a sack lunch, snacks, and a water bottle. We will be outside all day, even if it rains or snows. Please make sure your child is dressed in layers appropriate for any and all weather. This does include footwear as well. We will be walking around the park, so tennis shoes or sturdy boots would be appropriate.

If you have any questions about this trip, please let me know. Look for the permission slip to come home on Monday. Students are encouraged to bring their signed permission slip back to school on Tuesday. The deadline is Wednesday.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Math Facts Practice

I have found some wonderful math practice sites I would like to pass on to you. Knowing math facts will help students be successful in math as we start to apply the facts to work with larger numbers.

Addition & Subtraction
Math Playground: Timed Flashcards
AAA Math: Addition Lessons and Review
AAA Math: Subtraction Lessons and Review
CoolMath4Kids: Addition
CoolMath4Kids: Subtraction

Also check out the math page on this site for more practice opportunities.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Operation Timed Tests

Each quarter, students will be asked to complete four timed tests, one for each operation. We will be doing these tests in class, but I strongly encourage all students to be practicing their facts at home.

Operation Timed Tests

Monday, September 5, 2011

Homework Calendar

Below is a copy of September's homework calendar. A paper copy will also be sent home with students on Tuesday. Please remember that this calendar does not include assignments that may be assigned during the week. If you have any questions, please contact me.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

National Park Research Project

In fourth grade, students will be completing two research projects: researching a national park in the fall and a planet in the spring. Over the next few weeks, we will be reviewing features of nonfiction and how to read for information. We will also be learning how to take notes in an outline which will be the format for students' research packets. During social studies, students will choose a national park to research and present on. Additional information will be posted as we move forward in this project, but here is a link to get your students thinking about national parks.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Spelling Words: August 29 - September 1

Week 1

Spelling :
  1. admit
  2. bath
  3. middle
  4. brush
  5. catch
  6. sadness
  7. thankful
  8. standing
  9. absent
  10. thick
Prefix of the Week:
The prefix mis- means "wrong" 

1st Week Reflections & 2nd Week Word Study

The first week of school was a success! We spent time getting reacquainted with classmates from last year and welcoming new members into our classroom. We reviewed school-wide behavior expectations and established classroom norms. Students were introduced to all content areas including math, reading, writing, science, and social studies. Our first math unit focuses on place value up of large numbers. We have begun our mythology study by learning about the gods and goddesses of Mount Olympus. We will be moving into nonfiction after Labor Day, but each month, we will read and study a new story from Greek mythology. Students are exploring ideas and voice in their writing journals and will be starting their word study this coming week. Science takes place in Mrs. Janssen's room where students learned about her fish as an introduction to life science. The first quarter of social studies will focus on United States geography, so students are practicing locating different points of interest on a map of our country.

Starting Monday, we will be following our regular schedule. I have made a few changes to the previously posted schedule and have posted the new schedule below.
Word study in fourth grade includes spelling and vocabulary practice. Each week, students will be given a list of ten spelling words from a collection of words every fourth grader should know. Students will also receive several choices they may complete for their spelling practice. All spelling practice is due on Thursday before our spelling quiz. Click here to view the spelling assignment sheet for this quarter. Students will be expected to complete a vocabulary sheet focusing on our prefix/suffix of the week. These assignments will be introduced on Monday along with the prefix or suffix for the week. For their vocabulary assessment, students will be given five words to use correctly in sentences.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Back to School Countdown...2 Days!

Thanks to everyone who stopped by to meet with me on Friday. It was nice to see that students and parents are as excited about starting fourth grade as I am.

I am posting a copy of our daily schedule below. Students will be heading to PE first thing on Monday morning, so please make sure your child is dressed appropriately. Monday and Tuesday will be full of introductions and procedures, but my goal is to begin teaching content by Wednesday and Thursday.

I have had several questions about homework. I will go more in depth at our Open House on August 25, but I did want to let you know now that students will not be bringing homework home during the first week of school. We will be learning and practicing the format for our review homework throughout the week. Monday, August 29 will be the first day students will have homework. Every night, students will have a review practice sheet to complete at home. This does include Thursday evening. Our review sheets will alternate between math and language review. First quarter will focus on language. During the week, students will be expected to complete several spelling and vocabulary practice assignments to prepare for our weekly test on Thursday. I strongly encourage you to set aside time each evening to check in with your child about his or her homework. If they finish their assignment at school, encourage your student to bring the assignment home and explain to you how they completed it.

See you all on Monday!

4A Daily Schedule
8:00-8:10             Homework Check-in
8:10-8:45 Specials
8:45-9:00 Morning Meeting
9:00-9:30 Math Stations
9:30-9:45 Breakfast & Read Aloud
9:45-10:55 Writing & Word Work
10:55-11:05 Recess
11:10-11:40 Lunch
11:40-12:25 Reading
12:25-1:25 Social Studies (M/W)
Science (T/R)
1:25-2:00 Specials
2:00-2:15 Recess
2:15-2:30 Snack & Quiet Reading
2:30-3:15 Math
3:15-3:45 Reading Strategies
3:45-3:55 Closing

AM Specials: PE (M/W), Guidance (T), Library (R)
PM Specials: Technology (M), Performing Arts (T/R), Art (W)

Friday, August 19, 2011


Do you ever just wonder about things? This is a great site that is based around wondering...about anything. Wonderopolis is a wonderful site to encourage your student to wonder and explore.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Back to School Countdown...6 Days!

Summer is winding down, and it's time to get ready for school. I am working in my classroom this week, setting up and organizing materials for this year. All parents and students are invited to come meet their teacher and check out their classroom on Friday, August 18 from 2:00 to 3:00. I hope to see you all then.

By this point, you should have all received a mailing from the school with information about which class your student will be in and a supply list. Below is a link to the supply list. If you have any questions about the 4th grade list, please email me or stop in the classroom.
Elementary Supply List

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


I will be adding new posts frequently throughout the school year. To help you find the information you need, each post will be labeled with "Parent News" or "Homework Update" or the school subject like "Reading" or "Social Studies." Once the posts are labeled, readers can select all posts with a particular label by clicking on the links on the right side of this site. As I gather resources, I will also be posting them into separate pages and grouping them based on our lessons in class.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Getting Ready...

Welcome! I'm glad you are getting excited about school starting this fall. All summer, I will be adding different pages to this site to make this an effective communication tool between home and school. If you have any suggestions about site content, please let me know.