Sunday, October 30, 2011

Happy (almost) November!

Thank you to all the wonderful parents who participated in parent-teacher conferences. It was nice to sit down and talk with you. Our next scheduled parent-teacher conferences will be in the spring, but I am always available to chat before then.

Tomorrow (October 31) will be the day of our Halloween party. The elementary costume parade will begin at 2:45. We will begin changing into costumes around 2:30. Our class party will be after the parade. We will have snacks, an art project, and some games. If you are planning on coming to the costume parade and would like to stay and help with games, please join us. Until 2:30, students will be expected to participate in a regular school day. We still have content to cover before we can have fun.

Below is a copy of November's homework calendar and spelling practice for 2nd quarter. Instead of 5pts for spelling practice, students must complete three assignments in a row, just like tic tac toe. The tic tac toe may be three in a row vertically, horizontally, or diagonally. Since students will not be turning in their tic tac toe board, please remind students to number their assignments with the box number.

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